Person applying for NASCAR team jobs on a computer

Landing a job with a NASCAR team is a dream for many motorsports enthusiasts. The thrill of the race, the roar of the engines, and the fast-paced environment make it a highly sought-after career path. However, breaking into this competitive industry requires more than just a passion for racing. Here’s a detailed guide on how to get a job with a NASCAR team.

1. Understand the Industry

Person waving two black and white checkered flags

NASCAR, or the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, is a complex and multifaceted industry. Established in 1948 by Bill France Sr., NASCAR has grown into one of the most popular motorsports organizations in the United States. It sanctions over 1,500 races at over 100 tracks in 48 US states, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. Understanding the industry is crucial to getting a job with a NASCAR team.

Key Roles and Departments

  • Drivers: These are the most visible figures but only a small part of the team.
  • Pit Crew: Responsible for tire changes, refueling, and mechanical adjustments during races.
  • Engineers: Specialize in various aspects such as aerodynamics, chassis setup, and engine performance.
  • Mechanics: Work on building and maintaining the cars, ensuring they meet all safety and performance standards.
  • Marketing and PR: Handle the team’s public image, sponsorships, and fan engagement.
  • Event Management: Coordinate logistics for races and other team events.
  • Data Analysts: Use telemetry and other data to optimize car performance and strategy.

Understanding NASCAR Series

  • NASCAR Cup Series: The top racing series and the most competitive, featuring the best drivers and teams.
  • NASCAR Xfinity Series: Considered the second-tier series, it serves as a feeder system to the Cup Series.
  • NASCAR Camping World Truck Series: Involves racing pickup trucks and is known for its exciting and competitive nature.
  • Regional and Local Series: Includes the ARCA Menards Series, NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour, and NASCAR Pinty’s Series, providing a proving ground for up-and-coming drivers and crew members.

Key Teams and Figures

  • Hendrick Motorsports: The winningest team in NASCAR history, with over 270 Cup Series wins.
  • Joe Gibbs Racing: Known for its strong driver lineup and competitive performance, with multiple championships.
  • Team Penske: A powerhouse in both NASCAR and IndyCar, known for its meticulous approach and success.
  • Richard Childress Racing: A team with a rich history, known for its past success with Dale Earnhardt.

Understanding these aspects of the NASCAR industry not only helps you identify where you might fit but also demonstrates your commitment and knowledge to potential employers. Researching the different teams, their histories, and recent performances can provide valuable insights and help you tailor your applications to align with the specific needs and cultures of each team.

2. Acquire Relevant Education and Skills

Educational qualifications and specialized skills are essential to stand out in the competitive NASCAR job market. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the necessary education and skills:

Educational Pathways

  • Mechanical Engineering: A bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering is highly beneficial. This program covers essential topics like thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and materials science, all of which are crucial for understanding race car dynamics.
  • Automotive Technology: Programs in automotive technology provide hands-on experience with vehicle maintenance and repair, teaching students about the latest automotive technologies and diagnostic tools.
  • Motorsports Engineering: Some universities offer specialized degrees in motorsports engineering, focusing specifically on racing vehicle design, performance optimization, and the application of engineering principles to high-speed vehicles.
  • Business Administration and Sports Management: Degrees in these fields are valuable for roles in team management, marketing, and operations. These programs cover financial management, marketing strategies, and organizational behavior, providing a strong foundation for managing a racing team.

Key Skills to Develop

  • Mechanical and Technical Skills: Proficiency in vehicle dynamics, aerodynamics, and engine performance is crucial. Understanding how to optimize a car’s performance and troubleshoot mechanical issues is fundamental for engineers and mechanics.
  • Analytical Skills: The ability to analyze data from various sensors and telemetry systems is increasingly important. Data analysts and engineers use this data to make informed decisions about car setup and race strategy.
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential in all roles, from coordinating pit stops to managing sponsor relationships. Clear and concise communication ensures that everyone on the team is aligned and informed.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Motorsports is inherently a team sport. Whether you’re part of the pit crew or the marketing department, the ability to work well with others and contribute to a cohesive team effort is vital.
  • Project Management: For roles involving logistics and event management, strong project management skills are essential, including planning, organizing, and overseeing various aspects of race day operations.

Certifications and Additional Training

  • ASE Certification: Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification can enhance the credentials of mechanics and technicians, demonstrating expertise in automotive repair and maintenance.
  • Data Analysis and Software Skills: Familiarity with data analysis software such as MATLAB, Simulink, and other engineering tools can give you an edge. Learning programming languages like Python or R can also be beneficial for data-heavy roles.
  • Safety Training: Knowledge of safety protocols and first aid or emergency response certifications can be advantageous, particularly for pit crew members and those working directly with vehicles.

By acquiring the relevant education and skills, you’ll be well-prepared to meet the demands of a NASCAR team and stand out in the competitive job market. This investment in your education and skill set will pay off as you pursue your dream career in the exhilarating world of NASCAR.

3. Gain Practical Experience

Mechanic working on a car to gain practical experience for NASCAR

Practical experience is crucial for securing a job with a NASCAR team. Hands-on involvement not only enhances your resume but also provides you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the fast-paced environment of motorsports. Here’s how to effectively gain that experience:

Internships and Co-ops

  • NASCAR Teams: Many teams offer internship programs for college students and recent graduates. These programs provide an opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals and gain insight into the daily operations of a racing team.
  • Automotive Companies: Interning with companies that supply parts or technology to NASCAR teams can also be beneficial. These internships often focus on engineering, manufacturing, and logistics.
  • Motorsports Engineering Programs: Universities with motorsports engineering programs often partner with racing teams. Participating in these programs can lead to internship opportunities.


  • Local Racing Events: Volunteering at local racetracks or smaller racing events can provide valuable experience and networking opportunities. Tasks may include assisting with car setups, managing pit crews, or handling logistics.
  • Charity and Promotional Events: NASCAR teams frequently participate in community and promotional events. Volunteering for these events can help you make connections within the industry.

Entry-Level Positions

  • Technician or Mechanic Roles: Starting as an automotive technician or mechanic can help you develop the hands-on skills needed in NASCAR. Many current NASCAR crew members began their careers in local garages or automotive shops.
  • Fabrication Shops: Working in a fabrication shop that builds race car components offers practical experience with the materials and techniques used in NASCAR.

Racing Schools and Workshops

  • Racing Schools: Enroll in a racing school to gain first-hand experience in driving and car mechanics. Schools such as the Richard Petty Driving Experience offer programs tailored to different aspects of motorsports.
  • Technical Workshops: Attend workshops and seminars focused on specific skills, such as engine tuning, aerodynamics, or data analysis. These programs often feature industry experts and provide both theoretical and practical knowledge.

By actively seeking out these opportunities and gaining practical experience, you’ll build a strong foundation for a career with a NASCAR team. The skills, knowledge, and connections you develop through hands-on involvement are invaluable assets that can set you apart in this competitive field.

4. Network within the Industry

Networking is a crucial element for securing a job with a NASCAR team. Building relationships within the motorsports community can open doors to job opportunities and provide valuable insights and mentorship. Here’s how to effectively network within the NASCAR industry:

Attend Industry Events

  • NASCAR Races: Attending races is an excellent way to meet team members, sponsors, and other industry professionals. Races provide a natural environment to engage with people who share your passion.
  • Motorsport Expos and Trade Shows: Events like the PRI (Performance Racing Industry) Trade Show and the SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) Show are ideal for networking. These events attract a wide range of industry professionals, from engineers to marketing experts.

Join Professional Organizations

  • Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE): Membership in SAE provides access to a network of automotive and motorsports professionals. Attend SAE events, participate in forums, and engage in professional development oppMPA membership can offer valuable connections and resources for those interested in media and communications roles.

Seek Mentorship

  • Identify Potential Mentors: Look for experienced professionals who are willing to share their knowledge and provide guidance. Mentors can offer valuable career advice and introduce you to key industry contacts.
  • Establish a Mentor Relationship: Approach potential mentors respectfully, expressing your admiration for their work and your desire to learn. Be clear about what you hope to gain from the mentorship.

Leverage Educational Institutions

  • University Partnerships: Many universities with motorsports programs have partnerships with NASCAR teams. Engage with your school’s career services and alumni network to find networking opportunities.
  • Guest Lectures and Workshops: Attend guest lectures and workshops hosted by industry professionals. These events provide a platform to ask questions, gain insights, and make connections.

Networking Tips

  • Be Genuine and Approachable: Show genuine interest in others’ work and be approachable. Authentic connections are more likely to lead to opportunities.
  • Prepare an Elevator Pitch: Be ready to introduce yourself and succinctly explain your background, skills, and career aspirations. Tailor your pitch to different networking situations.
  • Follow-Up: Follow up with a personalized message or email after meeting someone. Mention where you met and reiterate your interest in staying connected.

By actively engaging in these networking activities, you can build a robust professional network that supports your career aspirations in NASCAR. Networking opens doors to job opportunities and provides a support system of industry professionals who can offer advice, mentorship, and collaboration opportunities.

5. Tailor Your Resume and Apply Strategically

Creating a standout resume and strategically applying it are essential to securing a job with a NASCAR team. Your resume should highlight your relevant skills and experiences, demonstrating your suitability for the specific roles you’re targeting. Here’s how to craft an effective resume and apply it in a way that maximizes your chances of success:

Crafting Your Resume

Step 1: Highlight Relevant Experience

  • Focus on Relevant Roles: Emphasize any previous roles directly related to motorsports, automotive engineering, or related fields. Detail your responsibilities and achievements in these positions.
  • Include Internships and Volunteering: If you’ve interned with a racing team, automotive company, or volunteered at racing events, make sure to highlight these experiences prominently.

Step 2: Showcase Key Skills

  • Technical Skills: List specific technical skills relevant to the role, such as proficiency with automotive diagnostics, data analysis tools, CAD software, or mechanical systems.
  • Soft Skills: Emphasize skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and time management, which are critical in the high-pressure environment of motorsports.

Step 3: Quantify Achievements

  • Use Numbers: Quantify your accomplishments where possible. For example, “Increased engine efficiency by 10% through optimized fuel mapping” or “Managed logistics for over 50 race events.”
  • Highlight Impact: Include projects directly related to the job you’re applying for. If you worked on a project involving race car aerodynamics or data analysis, make sure to detail these experiences.

Step 4: Tailor to the Job Description

  • Customize for Each Application: Tailor your resume for each job application by aligning your skills and experiences with the specific requirements of the job description. Use the same terminology and keywords found in the job posting.
  • Highlight Relevant Projects: Include projects that are directly related to the job you’re applying for. If you worked on a project involving race car aerodynamics or data analysis, make sure to detail these experiences.

Step 5: Professional Presentation

  • Clear Formatting: Use a clean and professional format. Ensure your resume is easy to read, with clear headings, bullet points, and consistent font styles.
  • Concise Content: Keep your resume concise, ideally one to two pages. Focus on the most relevant information and avoid unnecessary details.

Applying Strategically

Step 1: Research Potential Employers

  • Identify Target Teams: Research NASCAR teams and identify those that align with your skills, interests, and career goals. Understand their recent performance, team culture, and any specific needs they might have.
  • Network for Insights: Use your network to gather insights about the teams you’re interested in. Connect with current or former employees to learn about the hiring process and what the team values in potential candidates.

Step 2: Leverage Job Boards and Company Websites

  • NASCAR Job Boards: Use job boards dedicated to motorsports and automotive careers. NASCAR’s official career page lists current openings.
  • Company Career Pages: Regularly check the career pages of specific NASCAR teams. Many teams post job openings directly on their websites.
  • Get a membership with Jobs in Sports to maximize your chances of finding a NASCAR team job.

Step 3: Apply for Entry-Level Positions

  • Start Small: Be willing to start with entry-level positions or internships. These roles can provide valuable experience and a pathway to more advanced positions within the team.
  • Show Willingness to Learn: Emphasize your eagerness to learn and grow within the team. Highlight any additional training or certifications you’re pursuing.

Step 4: Follow Up Professionally

  • Send a Follow-Up Email: After applying, send a follow-up email to express your continued interest in the position. Mention any additional qualifications or experiences that might not have been included in your initial application.
  • Stay Persistent: Don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear back immediately. Continue to follow up periodically and apply for other positions that align with your career goals.

Step 5: Prepare for Interviews

  • Research the Team: Before an interview, thoroughly research the team, their recent performance, and key personnel. Be prepared to discuss how your skills and experiences can contribute to their success.
  • Practice Common Questions: Practice answering common interview questions, focusing on your relevant experience, technical skills, and passion for motorsports.
  • Show Enthusiasm: Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role and the team. Highlight any personal projects or experiences that showcase your dedication to the sport.

By tailoring your resume and applying strategically, you can significantly enhance your chances of securing a position with a NASCAR team. A well-crafted resume that highlights your relevant experience and skills, combined with a strategic approach to applying, will make you a standout candidate in the competitive field of motorsports.

6. Prepare for Interviews

Person in a job interview for a NASCAR team

Preparing for interviews is a crucial step in securing a job with a NASCAR team. Your interview is your opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and passion for motorsports. Here’s how to make the most of it:

Step 1: Research the Team

  • Know the Team: Understand the team’s history, recent performance, key players, and overall culture.
  • Current Events: Be aware of recent news, achievements, and challenges the team may be facing.

Step 2: Practice Common Questions

  • Technical Questions: Be prepared to answer technical questions related to your field, whether it’s engineering, mechanics, or another area.
  • Behavioral Questions: Practice responses to questions about teamwork, problem-solving, and handling pressure.

Step 3: Highlight Relevant Experience

  • Specific Examples: Be ready to discuss specific examples from your resume that demonstrate your relevant skills and experiences.
  • Quantify Achievements: Whenever possible, quantify your achievements to show the impact of your work.

Step 4: Show Enthusiasm

  • Passion for NASCAR: Express your passion for motorsports and specifically for working with a NASCAR team.
  • Alignment with Team Values: Highlight how your values and career goals align with the team’s mission and culture.

Step 5: Prepare Questions

  • Insightful Questions: Prepare insightful questions about the team, their strategies, and the role you’re applying for, which shows your genuine interest and engagement.
  • Career Development: Ask about opportunities for growth and development within the team.

Step 6: Professionalism

  • Dress Appropriately: Wear professional attire suitable for the interview setting.
  • Punctuality: Arrive on time or a few minutes early for the interview.
  • Follow-Up: After the interview, send a thank-you email expressing your appreciation for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the position.

By thoroughly preparing for your interviews, you can confidently showcase your qualifications and passion for joining a NASCAR team, making a strong impression on potential employers.

Take The Next Step Today

By understanding the industry, acquiring relevant education and skills, gaining practical experience, networking effectively, tailoring your resume, and preparing thoroughly for interviews, you can significantly enhance your chances of learning how to get a job with a NASCAR team.

To take the next step in your career journey, consider utilizing resources like Jobs In Sports. Our platform offers both free and paid membership options, each designed to help you find the perfect sports job. The free membership allows you to create a profile, search for jobs, and receive job alerts. However, for a more comprehensive experience, the premium membership provides access to detailed job listings and a sports job database search feature.

Don’t miss out on the latest sports job listings that can help you secure a position with a NASCAR team or other exciting opportunities in the sports industry.