There are two positions that could be considered football analyst jobs:
- Data analyst — Someone whose job is to run data for better performance, such as the QC coach of an NFL or NCAA team
- Broadcaster or journalist — In this position, you are a football analyst in the sense that you are intellectually analyzing and providing thoughts on games.
This article is focused on the latter. However, we still recommend reading the piece either way because the same core path applies; also, we discuss the expansion of the statistical analysis market in the conclusion.
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Football Analyst Careers Playing Field: Competitive
In terms of comparing the U.S. popularity of all spectator sports, 2006 and 2007 were the glory years (at least so far) for football. The NFL has weathered numerous controversies in recent years, and perhaps those cultural conversations are connected to the loss football has seen in some of its sports market share.
Despite the decline in popularity, American football (how it’s known internationally) is still the most popular spectator sport in the nation. Actually, football remains the most appealing to US viewers by a wide margin: three times higher than the runner-up!
Gallup received the following results when they asked consumers in December 2017 about the sport they like to watch the most:
- Football — 37 percent
- Basketball — 11 percent
- Baseball — 9 percent
Because of football’s prominence, millions of people are learning the game to participate as players. With so many people who have a general understanding or even deep expertise in the game, football analyst positions are some of the most competitive sports jobs.
Since passion is so central to football analyst jobs, salaries feel secondary. Nonetheless, the median salary of $51,000 for sports broadcasters is reasonably good; and you can make much more than that if you become successful.
Many consider football analyst jobs dream positions, so it is not easy to get these roles. Here is your plan to becoming a football analyst or broadcaster:
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Step #1. Get a bachelor’s degree.
Typically you will want to have a degree in communications or broadcasting. Courses that help you prepare include ones in mass media, media writing, broadcast journalism, communication law, and audio production. You learn about various roles in production, how to speak effectively, and other core information and skills.
The way you spend your free time as you are getting your college degree could decide your future ability to get hired for high school or college football analyst jobs. Get practical experience; however, you can during these years through college TV or radio stations, announcing games, and doing other work.
While what you do in college will likely be unpaid, it is invaluable because it gives you a chance to establish and record your skills. When you go out to get a job as a football analyst, you will have a reel so potential employers can see you in action.
Step #2. Build your knowledge.
The fact is that you should have expert knowledge in football if you want to stand out in the industry. Playing football is one way to learn. Whether you have on-the-field experience or not, it is important to know about the game and topic, including key strategies and historical events. Know the tactics that have been used by highly successful broadcast analysts by watching classic games online.
Step #3. Get internships.
Following your sophomore year, check to see if local TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, or sports sites are offering internships. Initial football analyst jobs are often covering high school football. Internships broaden your network so that you have more options.
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Step #4. Network.
While sports internships will help you network, landing football analyst jobs may require strategic and prolonged networking. Take any steps you can to get yourself in the company of sports media insiders.
Step #5. Apply for your first position.
Once you have your college degree, you can more confidently apply for roles at online sports publications. Also, look into available positions at local TV stations, radio stations, or newspapers. In some systems, commentators or reporters start as assistants and work their way into fully dedicated football analyst jobs.
Step #6. Don’t expect your dream job on day one.
Some people believe they have the skillset and ambition to become well-known football broadcasters. Even if that is the case, people who are just getting started in the industry should not expect dream football analyst jobs the moment college is complete. Rather, it is necessary to advance through the industry.
You can work your way into larger markets if you are able to prove yourself in the small ones. For example, Bob Costas’ first job was calling minor league hockey for $30 per game. Build your reputation and gradually strengthen your career.
Step #7. Take whatever you can get.
While Costas’ first position does not sound glamorous, it was at least a job doing analysis. What if you cannot find your first job as a journalist or commentator? Do not be dismayed. Get any position you can in the sports media industry, whether as a production assistant or equipment operator. If you can make it clear that your path forward is a reporting or announcing position, you could become a top choice when a slot opens.
The Value Of Planning And A Network Of 1000s
According to an anonymous proverb, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Using the above information, you can create your plan to land football analyst jobs.
Since we have devoted the majority of this article to the football journalist or broadcaster type of analyst, it is worth turning to the other type, for a moment, the statistical analyst. The median annual wage for these positions is $79,990. Plus, the industry is expanding: the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ growth projection for sports data analyst management positions from 2016 to 2026 was 14 percent, with a total of 115,000 new jobs expected.
Whichever kind of football analyst you may want to become, our network at JobsInSports.com is invaluable. We introduce you to a community of more than 4000 engaged sports industry professionals. Join our network today and land your dream sports job.